Music Tesla Coil Loudspeaker

When we were children, we always full of expectation to the unknown world. We ever imagined stepping on the water, also imagine ourselves flying in the sky. I imagined that when I pick up a lamp, it will shine when it sits on my hands. It doesn’t need to nailed to the ceiling or pinned to the wall anymore. Now, this tesla coil makes dream true. What a marvelous little thing! It lights the bulb without any connection. This tesla coil is a wonderful conversation piece. It’s a cool piece of art even just stands on your desk.

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When we were children, we always full of expectation to the unknown world. We ever imagined stepping on the water, also imagine ourselves flying in the sky. I imagined that when I pick up a lamp, it will shine when it sits on my hands. It doesn’t need to nailed to the ceiling or pinned…

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