Lucky Charms Magical Marshmallows

Somewhere over a rainbow in a magical forest lives a clever, playful and mischievous leprechaun named Lucky. His father was a wise man and knew it was Lucky’s destiny to bring magic to your world. He placed eight magical charms in Lucky’s hands to protect him on his journey and told Lucky to respect their magical powers. As his legend grew, children everywhere coveted Lucky’s magical charms starting hundreds of hide and seek games. Today, Lucky continues to outwit and outsmart your kids, losing and discovering his magical charms, always with children hot on his heels.

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Somewhere over a rainbow in a magical forest lives a clever, playful and mischievous leprechaun named Lucky. His father was a wise man and knew it was Lucky’s destiny to bring magic to your world. He placed eight magical charms in Lucky’s hands to protect him on his journey and told Lucky to respect their…

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